Friday, February 20, 2009

ass pillow

"ASS PILLOW" this is a new term that i have coined...thank you very much!
my husband and i just purchased a new king sized mattress to replace our old uncomfortable queen sized one that we never wanted to sleep in.
this new bed is like heaven. so firm and so soft at the same time (not sure how they accomplished this but they did). i'm excited to lay down on my big fluffy cloud every night so you can imagine my dismay when after closing my eyes and putting my head down gently on my comfy pillow i reached out for my body pillow that i lovingly cradle each and every night and met "ASS PILLOW".
he is not and never will be my friend!

"what is this"..."how can it smell like this?"..."is it just my mind playing tricks on me?"
i tried deceiving myself into thinking the smell was from the laundry or the kids or perhaps the air.
the plain and simple truth is that if something smells like ass, it's ass. except of course grated parmesan cheese. that smells like ass but is of course just cheese.
the long and short of it is that my husband sleeps naked some nights and must have come into contact with MY pillow and contaminated it.

new rule in the house :
1. no one shall sleep naked who hasn't taken a shower first!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

to go or not to go

last week more than half of my pre-school daughter's classmates were out with a cold, flu, or cough. do i keep her home with a cough? if i kept her home every time she had a cough she would have missed her entire winter session. after carefully researching what to do and then getting off my but and picking up the phone to call the doctor's office (and then i had to sit sown again and wait an hour for the s to get back to me which is standard procedure in our pediatricians office), the answer was if it is just a cough she can go to school but if it is accompanied by a fever or runny nose, she should stay home.